Saturday, September 09, 2006

The "most controversial" commentary on Dalai Lama

According to the most reliable sources, the Dalai Lama arrived in Vancouver for a short, all-expense-paid "business" trip. Since it's not popular to criticise the Dalai Lama (at least not in this part of the world), the Fairy Godfather will just quote certain passages directly from the article, and you can tell me what you think.

Source: National Post - Sept. 09, 2006
By Brian Hutchinson
Original article for click here

"Most of us know him as His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Tenzin Gyatso describes himself on his official Web site as 'a simple Buddhist monk.'"
--- A SIMPLE monk? You mean the supreme head of Tibetan Buddhism, Nobel Prize winner, and a receiver of secret CIA fundings? Well, you can't deny that modesty is a good virture.

"The Dalai Lama's trip here has also drawn thousands of devotees. Celebrities and ordinary folk. Children, business leaders, politicians, gurus. Kim Campbell is in town, and Deepak Chopra, and Jason Kenney, Canada's parliamentary secretary to the prime minister. Bill Clinton, alas, sent his regrets."
--- Guess what? We've finally found Kim Campbell!!

"[The Dalai Lama] had just made a 40-hour journey from his base in Dharamasala, India, and looked a little worse for wear. A little dour, perhaps, even unaware of what city he was in; the 71-year-old has a famously poor memory."
--- Yikes. Not knowing which city you are in as a high-profile celebrity is never a good thing, especially when you are already an honourary citizen of the country.

" 'Why are you here?' someone asked. The Dalai Lama brightened. 'Quite simple. There was an invitation.'
'I accepted an invitation,' the Dalai Lama said."
--- Uhh...good answer?

"[The Dalai Lama] was pleased to have been given honorary Canadian citizenship...He cackled. "I want to know the rights ... I don't want to know the duties.""
--- So...only play and no work, eh?

"He came to inaugurate a proposed $60-million Dalai Lama Centre for Peace and Education. A site has not yet been located... Money still has to be raised."
--- So what exactly is he here for?

"The Dalai Lama smiled. 'This is not just a unicentre,' he said. '[It's a place] to work together, [to have] more discussions, more research work. That's it.'

That's it? To his left sat Victor Chan, a Vancouver native and the Dalai Lama's long-time friend. Mr. Chan has worked tirelessly to bring the concept of the Peace and Education Centre to Vancouver.

'I am not here to promote the Dalai Lama Centre,' declared the Dalai Lama.
Mr. Chan looked perplexed. "
--- Maybe someone should inform him better next time - at least tell him which country he's in and what he's there for.

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